Sunday, November 30, 2008

End of Day.. End of the holiday weekend... sigh

Well, it is nearly the end of the day for me. I took a little time to practice my karate forms, for testing for my red belt soon. I spent some time on the farm with my best girl, Amanda. I wish I could spend more time there... it would make a great, if really low paying, job. I love the horses and only found one dead rat today.. which I did not make Amanda bury as I usually would.

I spent a little time today working on Prob and Stats with a student which is always fun!

I found an interesting article in the More Magazine (I know,I know.. it is so not just for older chicks!) about their marathon. They do a 1/2 or full marathon in NYC Central Park on April 26th. I asked the better and much prettier half about it and got a tentative agreement. It looks like a go! I was able to register for a plan to get into shape for the marathon on their site;

Check it out!
Have a great night!

1 comment:

aquariangirl said...

I'm a participant too in that race ... my friend from college wants to train w. me for the 1/2. Currently I'm running 6.5 miles almost 6 days a week - so I should be ok to do the 1/2.
Good luck ! :)