Yesterday was quite a day! I couldn't even blog about it! It was a class weekend and a Karate testing weekend (which happens every 4 months or so). So I was in a pickle: was I going to go to my doctoral class with the Mighty Yoel or was I going to go test for my red belt? Problem solved! The Mighty Yoel gave me the time off of class to test.
I was a little nervous and unsure whether I wanted to go as I had a time limit to return class (needn't have worried, the other presenter talked so long, no one knew I was gone!). But when I got to the studio my whole outlook changed. Someone, who I will call the Greatest Teacher in the World, had come to the studio ONLY TO SEE ME TEST! I was almost in tears. She left her family on a Saturday to come to the school for me. I was walking on a cloud when I entered the school.
Well, in all modesty, I nailed it. I had a wonderful partner (Thank you Mr. McL!) who didn't mind being thumped by a green belt. I did slow down on my forms and thought I was going to hit the mat. Mr. Mac did not ask me to do the last set and I thought I blew it. But he would just like to see me do them on Monday when I might not pass out, thank you very much.
All in all, a wonderful day!
Snowy Wordless Wednesday
6 years ago